Summer Update: Tyshawn Sorey Recording, Patreon, Aaron Edgecomb Duo Video, and more!
Why, hello there!
First thing’s first: you’ll very likely see me post more than twice a year in this space, because I am now being held accountable for telling the good people who like what I do what I’m up to. And the reason for that is because I have launched PATREON! Check it out here!
I have a couple goals with this Patreon. First, to create a tighter bond with you all, the people who enjoy the strange antics I get up to - and for this tighter bond to inspire me and give me a nice little kick of accountability to propel my projects forward. Additionally, it’s no secret that the last 18 months have been rough for all of us. With this Patreon, I hope to cultivate an environment where difficult, emotional topics can hold ground, but also where we can all find little spots of absurd joy and revel in them, even for just a moment.
The primary vehicle for the latter will be a weekly newsletter for the $3/tier. In this newsletter, I’ll talk about corners of pop culture I’m presently enjoying or finding intriguing - usually in the gaming and anime spheres, because that’s what I’m into and what the likes of Crunchyroll and Screen Rant have employed me to talk about.
So, anyway, that’s my Patreon. I hope you find something on there you like! Maybe, together, we can help each other get through the sludge of this weird period. Is that so idealistic? Probably. But it’s a nice thought, innit?
Anywho, I have other news as well! In July, I journeyed forward to the incredible Firehouse 12 to record a duo record with the inimitable Tyshawn Sorey. There will absolutely be more on that soon. But know it has happened and that you’ll get to hear it.
While I was on the east coast, I also went to NYC to play a show with my dear friend Aaron Edgcomb, another incredible drummer. The show was chronicled by Don Mount, one of the patron saints of the NYC experimental scene, so you can watch it RIGHT HERE!
There is much, much more to come. Things are brewing! And, honestly, the Patreon is going to be the best way to keep abreast of the latest. Whoohoo!